My School
Lisha : Welish, Can you help to teach my little brother private?
[Welish, bisakah kamu membantu mengajar privat adikku?]
Welish : OK, where does he study?
[OK, dimana dia sekolah?]
Lisha : He studies at State Vocational High School of Natuna?
[Dia belajar di SMK N Natuna]
Welish : He must be at the same age as my little sister
[Dia pasti seumuran dengan adek ku]
Lisha : Really, Where does she study?
[Sungguh, dia sekolah dimana?]
Welish : My little sister studies in Islamic Boarding School
[Adikku sekolah di pesantren]
Lisha : What grade is she?
[Tingkat berapa dia?]
Welish : She is the tenth grade
[Di akelas 10]
Lisha : Wow, so is my little brother?
[Wow, adiku juga]
Chapter 10
My Friends
Welish : Did you have fun last night, Lisha?
[Apakah kamu bersenang-senang tadi malam Lisha?]
Lisha : I had a great time, I went out with a friend to the movies.
[Asyik sekali, saya keluar nonton film Bersama seorang teman]
Welish : Whom did you go with?
[Dengan siapa kamu pergi?]
Lisha : I went with my best friend, Siska.
[Saya pergi dengan shabat saya, Siska]
Welish : How long have you known Siska?
[Sudah berapa lama kamu kenal siska?]
Lisha : We have been friends since elementary school, we always hang out.
[Kami sudah berteman sejak SD, dan selalu berkumpul bersama]
Welish : That’s nice. My best friend is Joe
[Itu bagus, Sahabatku adalah Joe]
Lisha : How did you meet Joe?
[Bagaiman kamu berteman dengan Joe?]
Welish : He is neighbor, he lives next door.
[Dia adalah tetanggaku, di tinggal dekat rumahku]
Chapter 11
My Favorite Lesson
[Pelajaran Favoritku]
Lisha : How do you do so well at school, Welish?
[Bagaiman kabarmu disekolah, Welish?]
Welish : It’s hard work, but there are some subjects I like to learn about.
[Sulit, tapia ada bebrapa mata pelajaran yang aku suka ]
Lisha : Really, What is your favorite subject?
[Oh ya, Apa mata pelajaran kesukaanmu?]
Welish : I like to memorize, so Math and Chemical are my favorite subjects. I am good at biology as well.
[Saya suka menghafal, maka Matematika dan Kimia adalah pelajaran kesukaanku. Aku juga baik di biologi]
Lisha : I prefer studying history to studying math
[Aku lebih suka belajar sejarah disbanding matematika]
Chapter 12
My Homework
[PR ku]
Welish : I feel I won’t be able to finish this homework
[Rasanya saya tidak akan bisa menyelesaikan PR ini]
Lisha : What’s going on? What can I do for you?
[Ada apa? Apa yang bisa saya bantu?]
Welish : I must write an English essay, then I have to make a math worksheet. Afterwards I have to make research
for my article ?
[Saya harus menulis essai, kemudian membuat worksheet matematika, setelah itu membuta penlitian untuk artikelku]
Lisha : Wow, sounds hard, you have to start doing them from now
[Wow, kedengaranya sulit, kamu harus memulainya dari sekarang]
Welish : I am going to face my semester examination as well so I feel I have no enough time to study
[Saya akan menghadapi ujian semester juga, saya rasa tidak punya waktu yang cukup buat belajar]
Lisha : I will make a cup of coffe for you, wish you luck
[Akan aku buatkan kopi untukmu, semoga sukses]
Welish : Thanks a lot
[Terimakasih banyak]
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