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Habituation [Chapter 5 to 8]

Chapter 5
My Favorite Movie
[Film Kesukaanku]

Lisha      : Would you like to watch movie?
                  [Apakah kamu suka nonton film?]
Welish : Sure, what movie do you want to watch?
                  [Tentu saja, film apa yang kira-kira kamu ingin tonton?]
Lisha      : How about horror movie?
                  [Bagaimana kalua film horror?]
Welish : No way! I don’t like scaring movie. Can we watch the comedian movie?
                  [Tidak mau! Saya tidak suka film yang menakutkan. Bisakah kita nonton film komedi saja?]
Lisha      : Ok, maybe something funny or even an action movie?
                 [Ok, mungkin saja sesuatu yang lucu atau bahkan film action.]
Welish : Sounds good!
                 [Kendengaranya menarik]

Chapter 6
My Favorite Games
[Permainan Kesukaanku]

Welish : I’ve just got a new game, do you want to play with me?
                  [Aku baru saja mendapat game baru, maukah kamu bermain bersamaku?]
Lisha      : What kind of game is that?
                  [Game apakah itu?]
Welish : It’s an online game, ML
                  [Ini game online, ML]
Lisha      : What does ML stand for?
                  [Apa kepanjangan dari ML?]
Welish : ML stands for Mobile Legend, it can be played by two or more players?
                 [ML kepanjangan ialah Mobile Legend, itu biasa dimainkan oleh dua orang atau lebih]
Lisha      : Oh I see, Let’s play together. It sounds interesting!
                 [Oh seperti itu, ayok mabar. Kelihatanya menarik tuh]

Chapter 7
My Activities

Lisha      : I’m bored, Welish. There is nothing to do
                  [Aku bosan Welish. Tidak ada yang aku kerjakan]
Welish : I’m sure there are plenty of things to do. Let’s think of an activity.
                  [Saya yakin, banyak yang bisa dikerjakan. Ayok kita pikirkan suatu aktivitas]
Lisha      : Well, would you like to go the city?
                  [Baiklah, apa kamu suka pergi ke kota?]
Welish : Sure, we can visit the mall?
                  [Tentu saja, kita bisa berkunjung ke mall]
Lisha      : Oh, you just want to go shoping? How about we go to the beach and go swimming instead?
                 [Oh, jadi kamu hanya pergi berbelanja, Bagaimana kalua kita ke pantai dan berenang saja?]
Welish : After swimming, we can meet our friends in the city?
                 [Setelah berenang, kita bisa menemui teman-teman di kota?]
Lisha      : Ok. Than we can go shopping, and watch a movie.
                 [Ok. Kalau begitu kita bisa berbelanja dan menonton film]
Welish : Great.

Chapter 8
My Job

Welish : What a long day’s at work, I’m ready to be relaxed?
                  [Betapa hari kerja yang lama, saya siap untuk bersantai]
Lisha      : What’s your job, Welish?
                  [Apa pekerjaanmu, Welish?]
Welish : I’m a salesman, I sell cars. Do you have any job?
                  [Aku seorang seles, saya menjual mobil. Apakah kamu punya pekerjaan?]
Lisha      : Yeah, I teach students at World English?
                  [Ya, saya mengajar siswa di World English]
Welish : Do you like your work?
                 [Apakah kamu menyukai pekerjaanmu?]
Lisha      : Yes, but sometimes I’ve gotta explain over and over again about the same things.
                 [Ya, tetapi terkadang saya harus menjelaskan hal yang sama berulang-ulang kali]
Welish : I know what you feel, Don’t take it hard. Let’s hava a coffe togther
                 [Aku tahu apa yang kamu rasakan, jangan diambil pusing. Ayook ngopi bareng]


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